Agnes Geneva zangeres, performer en actrice. Sinds 2014 de vaste zangeres bij TransAmsterdam. Ze is de zangeres van onze prachtige Anthem Trans and Proud. Sindsdien is Agnes steeds bekender geworden in de LGBTQ+-gemeenschap.
In 2023 bracht Agnes het prachtige nummer "No Time to Die" van Billie Eilish ten gehore, samen met de Amsterdamse Tramharmonie. Dit speciale optreden vond plaats ter gelegenheid van het 10-jarig bestaan van de NedPhO-Koepel, de thuisbasis van het Nederlands Philharmonisch Orkest|Nederlands Kamerorkest in Amsterdam-Oost.

Agnes Geneva
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Agnes Geneva is a singer, performer, and actress. Since 2014 the permanent singer at TransAmsterdam. She is the singer of our beautiful Anthem, Trans and Proud. Since then, Agnes has become increasingly well-known in the LGBTQ+ community.
In 2023, Agnes performed the beautiful song "No Time to Die" by Billie Eilish and the Amsterdam Tramharmonie. This exceptional performance occurred on the 10th anniversary of the NedPhO Koepel, home of the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra|Netherlands Chamber Orchestra in East Amsterdam.