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TransAmsterdam at First Diversity Day at AMOLF

Diversity Team of AMOLF host their first Diversity Day, where we came together to explore diversity related topics. For this first time, AMOLF has chosen to revisit the topic “gender” beyond the binary that many of us have been taught.

The aim of this event is to enhance our knowledge and awareness of gender diversity to ultimately foster a more inclusive work environment. In addition, they want to welcome and celebrate the diversity we already have at AMOLF. Our team members Yvo, Efa, and Jean joined the Q&A

What do you want to ask a transgender or nonbinary person?

Questions to be asked on the spot and collected in advance about TransAmsterdam and there life stories as a trans person. Spokenword poetry Choice of Pride by Ford Curlington, Henna painting by Sam (TransAmsterdam) and Patri Roa Johansen gave a wonderful Drag make-up workshop.

It was a great and inspiring event. Thank you Diversity Team of AMOLF!


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